W3C Compliance
Want to know if this web page is compliant to W3C Standards?
The actual validation report is located here: Validation Report
R2J2 Studios designs to the standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium. Every website we design earns the W3C "stamp of approval" for coding and programming before it it launched.
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) was founded in 1994 with a stated mission "to lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing protocols and guidelines that ensure long-term growth for the Web."
In reality, you're a business owner, not a web guru... so, the question is, what does compliance actually mean to you; and furthermore, should you care?
If you currently have a business website, or if you are in the process of developing one, the answer is YES. The reasons for compliance are compelling...
Compliance to W3C standards ensures that the website will be viewable by all browsers and will be rendered the same way (for the most part) by all browsers. This means that everyone visiting your website, can see your website... in other words, everyone uses a different"browser", and browsers can render a website different ways, depending on the coding.
Although the majority of web "surfers" use Internet Explorer™, millions of viewers use other browsers (like AOL). The popularity of other browsers like Firefox and Opera are on the rise, as well. All of the browsers are continuously updated so that they can render websites according to the standards set by the W3C.
Additionally, W3C standards ensure that new or alternative methods of browsing are also supported -
Compliant web pages render much faster than non-compliant pages... and every second of "wait time" on the web counts. The average broadband "surfer" will wait no longer than 8 seconds for your page to load. The average dial-up user will wait no longer than 15 seconds. Your pages must be clean and compliant to accomplish this feat!
Finally, Search Engines will rank a compliant website higher than non-compliant sites (and there are a lot of them). Sometimes, a search engine won't even index a non-compliant website, depending on the level of non-compliance... and sometimes a search engine just can't rank a non-compliant website because there is too much "junk" in the way before it ever reaches the content of your site. That means that all of the coding that has been done to the non-compliant website is blocking what is being offered in terms of products and services (the content), so a search engine can't determine how or where to rank the non-compliant website in the first place.
If you are interested in learning more about the W3C, you can visit their website at www.w3c.org.